Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hello to my friends! Saya telah mendapatkan beberapa teknik-teknik yang boleh membantu kita dalam menghadapi hari peperiksaan. Well, I know that this year we will sit for SPN21 exam. Nervous hah, me too..haha..Do not worry, here are some tips for you...Gud luck!


Langkah -langkah Bijak Menjelang Peperiksaan

1. Bertenang dan melapangkan fikiran.

2. Melakukan ulang kaji bagi topik-topik yang penting.

3. Tidur yang mencukupi..

4. Menjaga kesihatan diri.

5. Menjaga pemakanan dengan memakan makanan yang berkhasiat dan berzat.

7. Berdoa kepadaTuhan agar segala cita-cita terkabul dengan sepenuh hatimu.

8. Membuat dan membaca nota-nota ringkas.

9. Mengadakan senaman kesihatan fizikal untuk mengeluarkan peluh.

10. Beriadah dan berekreasi di tempat-tempat yang sesuai kerana badan yang cergas akan meransang kecerdasan otak.

11. Meminta doa dan restu ibu bapa dan guru-guru.

12. Belajar pada waktu yang difikirkan sesuai.

13. Mengkaji bentuk-bentuk soalan peperiksaan dengan bantuan guru dan rakan-rakan.

14. Menjawap soalan yang sama seperti format peperiksaan sebenar.

15. Datang lebih awal ke dewan peperiksaan sebelum peperiksaan bermula.

16. Menyediakan segala kelengkapan peperiksaan yang diperlukan.

17. Bersarapan sebelum masuk ke dewan peperiksaan dengan sarapan yanag berzat supaya tenaga fizikal dan minda cukup untuk menghadapi peperiksaan.

18. Elakkan mengadakan perbincangan tentang topik-topik hangat atau kaedah menjawap sebelum dan selepas peperiksaan.

19. Mematuhi arahan peperiksaan yang telah ditetapkan.

20. Membaca dengan teliti setiap arahan yang terdapat pada setiap kertas soalan.

21. Menjawap soalan berpandukan soalan yang telah dipilih.

22. Pastikan pelajar menjawap semua soalan yang dikemukakan mengikut arahan yang dinyatakan.


Kaedah Belajar Berkesan

1. Semasa di kelas, berikan tumpuan sepenuhnya kepada proses pengajaran guru.

2. Sentiasa bersoal-jawab dengan guru dalam hal-hal pelajaran.

3. Membaca setiap nota yang diberikan oleh guru.

4. Membuat latihan-latihan yang disediakan oleh guru serta mencari latihan-latihan tambahan dari buku-buku latihan.

5. Memahami apa yang dibaca.

6. Membuat nota ringkas untuk semua mata pelajaran.

7. Menggunakan kaedah, simbol dan tanda-tanda tertentu untuk memudahkan pembelajaran.

8. Belajar menggunakan komputer untuk mendapatkan kefahaman tambahan.

9. Mengadakan kumpulan perbincangan bagi semua mata pelajaran.

10. Mendapatkan pengetahuan daripada pelbagai bahan rujukan sama ada buku,majalah, akhbar dan internet.

11. Mempelajari teknik-teknik menjawab soalan setiap mata pelajaran.

12. Meneliti dan menganalisis trend soalan-soalan peperiksaan yang lalu.

13. Berfikir secara kreatif dan berani memberi idea.

14. Mendapatkan nasihat guru dalam segala masalah yang dihadapi tentang pelajaran dan pembelajaran.


Sesiapa yang mempunyai kebolehan akan berjumpa landasan yang tepat.
- Charles Cahier

Kejayaan tidak datang kepada manusia yang leka.
- Charles Cahier

Semua yang dicapai oleh manusia dan yang gagal dicapai olehnya adalah kesan langsung pemikirannya.
- James Allen

Menyimpang seinci, rugi seribu batu.
- Peribahasa Cina

Rahsia kejayaan adalah ketekalan matlamat.
- Benjamin Disraeli

Perbaiki diri anda, tetapi jangan jatuhkan orang lain.
- I. Salanter Lipkin

Pengiktirafan dan ganjaran datang kepada mereka yang menunjukkan kualiti yang baik dalam perbuatannya.
- Aristotle

Anda tidak boleh mencipta pengalaman. Anda mesti menghadapinya.
- Albert Camus

Nilai manusia adalah semahal nilai matlamatnya.
- Marcus Aurelius

Manusia yang tidak berharap untuk menang telah sedia kalah.
- Jose Joaquin Olmedo

Tiada manusia yang berjaya dalam semua yang dilakukannya dan kewujudan kita ini sebenarnya mesti menempuh kegagalan. Yang penting ialah kita tidak menjadi lemah semasa kegagalan itu terjadi dan kekalkan usaha hingga ke akhir hayat.
- Joseph Conrad

Manusia tidak merancang untuk gagal, mereka gagal untuk merancang.
- William J. Siegel

Minda yang mahu akan memudahkan perjalanan yang susah.
- Philip Massinger

Perjalanan seribu batu bermula dari satu langkah.
- Lao Tze

Kegagalan adalah asas kemenangan
- Lao Tze

Jika tujuan anda jelas, anda boleh mencapainya dengan mudah.
- Lao Tze

Kurang semangat mengakibatkan lebih banyak kegagalan berbanding kurangnya kebijaksanaan atau kemahiran.
- Flower A. Newhouse

Masa depan itu dibeli oleh masa sekarang.
- Samuel Johnson

Orang yang berjaya dalam hidup adalah orang yang nampak tujuannya dengan jelas dan menjurus kepadanya tanpa menyimpang.
- Cecil B. DeMille

Jika anda mahu membuat sesuatu, anda akan cari jalan. Jika anda tidak mahu membuat sesuatu, anda akan cari alasan.
- Peribahasa Arab

Hendak seribu daya, tak hendak seribu dalih.
- Peribahasa Melayu

Orang yang hebat bertindak sebelum berkata dan dia berkata selaras dengan tindakannya.
- Confucius

Seseorang yang melakukan kesalahan dan tidak membetulkannya telah melakukan satu kesalahan lagi.
- Confucius

Bagi para remaja perempuan yang mengemari membuat kek, di sini ada beberapa panduan untuk membuat kek. Sesuai dihidangkan ketika belajar bersama kawan-kawan dan juga ketika peperiksaan...

Resepi Kek Usaha Kejayaan


250 gm Daya usaha

100 gm Kesabaran

100 gm Keimanan

190 gm Keinsafan

150 gm Pengorbanan

150 gm Campuran akhlak mulia
( boleh didapati dari didikan yang baik dan sempurna )

8 sudu the rasa tanggungjawab

200 gm senyum secukup rasa

Cara-cara membuatnya:

Pukul semangat hingga menjadi kembang dan kental. Masukkan usaha dan kesabaran, gaul sehingga sebati. Masukkan keinsafan sedikit demi sedikit . Biarkan adunan menjadi lembut. Setelah itu campurkan keimanan , rasa tanggungjawab dan campuran akhlak mulia. Ia perlulah dibungkus dengan kertas ingin tahu dan ingin mencuba. Masukkan adunan tersebut ke dalam mangkuk bertimbang rasa dan tolak ansur. Hiaslah dengan senyum yang menawan kemudian bakar dengan tenaga yang ada.

U/p : Untuk mendapatkan kek yang cantik dan elok, jauhilah ia dari air mata putus asa walaupun setitik. Oleh kerana kek kejayaan ini amat sukar unutk dibuat, syabas kepada sesiapa jua yang berjaya melaksanakan dengan baik.

How about now? Still nervous? Stay cool man, don't be so lame! I know that you can do it BAYBEH!!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Glitter Text
Make your own Glitter Graphics

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Embedded Systems

Embedded Systems

What is it?

Embedded systems refer to devices, instruments or large engineering structures/systems that are built to handle one or a few pre-established tasks. The computer controlling the whole thing is built into or 'embedded' within the device.


The key characteristic of an embedded system is that it is supposed to handle a few simple tasks, although the steps involved in handling or accomplishing that task may be as complex as any computer program.


Cellphones and personal digital assistants (PDAs) are examples of devices with embedded systems. They both perform a specific number of tasks which are controlled by a built-in computer system.

Inertial guidance systems used for aerial navigation or as part of the guidance package of smart bombs and missiles are examples of instruments with embedded systems.
A traffic control system (which remotely controls traffic lights without the need for human intervention) is an example of a large engineering structure with an embedded system.
In truth, the line between 'embedded' systems and general purpose systems (which may or may not contain an embedded system) is becoming blurred as technology progresses.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Meaning of e-Bay

What is eBay?
eBay is the world's online marketplace; a place for buyers and sellers to come together and trade almost anything.

How does eBay works?
A seller lists an item on eBay, most anything from antiques to cars, books to sporting goods. The seller chooses to accept only bids for the item (an auction-type listing) or to offer the Buy It Now option, which allows buyers to purchase the item right away at a fixed price.

  • In an online auction, the bidding opens at a price the seller specifies and remains on eBay for a certain number of days. Buyers then place bids on the item. When the listing ends, the buyer with the highest bid wins.

In a buy it now listing, the first buyer willing to pay the seller's price gets the item.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Ecommerce definition and types of ecommerce

  • Ecommerce (e-commerce) or electronic commerce, a subset of ebusiness, is the purchasing, selling, and exchanging of goods and services over computer networks (such as the Internet) through which transactions or terms of sale are performed electronically. Contrary to popular belief, ecommerce is not just on the Web. In fact, ecommerce was alive and well in business to business transactions before the Web back in the 70s via EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) through VANs (Value-Added Networks). Ecommerce can be broken into four main categories:

  • B2B (Business-to-Business)Companies doing business with each other such as manufacturers selling to distributors and wholesalers selling to retailers. Pricing is based on quantity of order and is often negotiable.
  • B2C (Business-to-Consumer)Businesses selling to the general public typically through catalogs utilizing shopping cart software. By dollar volume, B2B takes the prize, however B2C is really what the average Joe has in mind with regards to ecommerce as a whole. Having a hard time finding a book? Need to purchase a custom, high-end computer system? How about a first class, all-inclusive trip to a tropical island? With the advent ecommerce, all three things can be purchased literally in minutes without human interaction. Oh how far we've come!
  • C2B (Consumer-to-Business)A consumer posts his project with a set budget online and within hours companies review the consumer's requirements and bid on the project. The consumer reviews the bids and selects the company that will complete the project. Elance empowers consumers around the world by providing the meeting ground and platform for such transactions.
  • C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer)There are many sites offering free classifieds, auctions, and forums where individuals can buy and sell thanks to online payment systems like PayPal where people can send and receive money online with ease. eBay's auction service is a great example of where person-to-person transactions take place everyday since 1995.

Companies using internal networks to offer their employees products and services online--not necessarily online on the Web--are engaging in B2E (Business-to-Employee) ecommerce.G2G (Government-to-Government), G2E (Government-to-Employee), G2B (Government-to-Business), B2G (Business-to-Government), G2C (Government-to-Citizen), C2G (Citizen-to-Government) are other forms of ecommerce that involve transactions with the government--from procurement to filing taxes to business registrations to renewing licenses. There are other categories of ecommerce out there, but they tend to be superfluous.

Friday, April 24, 2009

computer effects

These are some bad effects of computer to our health

ealth effects of being addicted of computer games
Sitting too much and not getting enough exercise. Strain on the eyes. Social problems because a person who is addicted with computer games doesn't socialize well and is more interested about getting back to their computer than making friends or having fun. The fun IS in their computer games. Eating junk food because usually people addicted to the computer won't eat meals on time.
Bad effects of computer to our health
The constant staring at a screen and not moving for multiple hours can have negative effects on the eyes. From using the mouse for an extended period of time, people can come down with carpel tunnel syndrome, which is the equivalent of pulling a muscle in your wrist. Besides from that, the lack of movement and the slouch in posture can cause problems with your lower back, gluten region, and hamstrings. Lastly, any exposure to light stimuli, such as the computer screen, will make falling asleep immediately after much harder, since your mind is still processing information.
physical health that a computer user might suffer due to have a computer or another electric equipment in your bedroom
Some scientist's believe that computers can change something in the immediate atmosphere which can cause depression. I cant remember quite what it was they changed, but I do remember that it said that this / these things are charged to be either positive or negative. And a computer changes their polarity. And the polarity it changes them to can cause depression in people.

Another problem some people face is RSI, or repetitive strain injury. Though just having the computer in your room wont cause this. It is similar to tennis elbow and comes from long periods of using the keyboard and mouse without taking a break. We didn't evolve to spend hours of typing at a time.

If you have the computer monitor switched on, you will notice that it shines out at you. Let me give you an example: If you have a television switched on in a darkened room, it just glows in the corner. Whereas if you have a computer on, it lights up the whole room. This can cause damage to eyes and also cause severe migraines.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Negative impacts of computers on society

  • These are some examples of computer

  • The younger generation would rather communicate through computer (easier) than actually working towards making friends or finding love the good old fashion way. Thus, part of the magic of falling in love is lost. People breakup in emails rather than facing the person and as all generations have been taught before we must take responsibility for our own actions.

  • A high percentage of people sit at their computer far too long and some people lose reality as far as social activities and learning social skills. Not to mention packing on the weight and the lack of exercise that will haunt them further on down the road.

  • Sitting behind a computer all day is hard on the eyes.

  • Being on the computer too much takes away the imagination for most (although for a very few they can be creative in advertising and digital imagery, etc. on websites.)

  • Computers can distract a person so much they lose contact with the reality around them such as taking time with family, husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends, wives and children.

  • It opens up kiddy porn and other immoral things.

  • More crime is committed through the Internet.

  • More misinformation by SOME people on the Internet can cause problems for the younger generation.

  • More person problems by two people on the Internet may cause heartbreak or mistrust. It's impossible to know someone well over the Internet.

  • Spammers are annoying.

  • Hackers can ruin your computer system.

Many people do work on the computer from their home but smart people do so much, then get up, get moving and get into shape. They spend time with family and friends and limit their time on the computer.

There is a new generation coming up where information is at one's finger tips too easily and then it becomes a personal thing in some people's lives. Before one knows it all will be like zombies wandering around (out of shape) and wondering why no one is relating to them.

While technology is a wonderful thing it is almost likely that it can be used in an immoral or wrong way. There is a price to pay for everything even if it appears it's making life easier on people.


Friday, March 13, 2009

1st time

Helo everybody! Im fyra,

This is my first time to post on my blog, and I'm doing this because my computer teacher told me to do so. I hope by using this blog, I can share my opinions and interests with the others...Hope that I can also make friends with all of you...